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wdfh;a újdy fjkak orejka yokak ´k lsh,d ysf;kafka keoao@                     udf.a fm!oa.,sl ðú;fha f,dl=u fjkialu fj,d oeka wjqreÿ follg jeähs' ug wjqreÿ follg jeä ld,hla .; jqKd kej;;a ðú;h f.dv kÕd .kak mq¿jka udkisl;ajhla yod.kak'
m‍%Yak ;sfhoaÈ uu hï jev fldgila l,d' yenehs ta foaj,a fndfyduhla ug lr.kak mq¿jka jqfka uf.a iïmq¾K Yla;sh ksid fkdfõ' ld¾h uKav,h ug Woõ l< ksid oeka ;uhs ug mq¿jka lula ,eì,d ;sfhkafka ksoyfia yd ieye,a¨fjka wruqKla we;sj jev lrkak'

wdfh;a újdy fjkak orejka yokak ´k lsh,d ysf;kafka keoao@
.sksfm,af,ka neg ldmq flkd lKdueÈß t,shg;a nhhs lshk tl wo ug f;afrkjd' fmdä ldf,a b|,d uf.a ysf;a f,dl= yskhla ;snqKd újdy fj,d fyd| mjq,a ðú;hla .; lrkak' kuq;a oeka ug f;afrkjd yeufoau yefudagu ,efnkafka keye lsh,d' hï hï foa ug fkd,efnkjd fjkak we;s' n,;, ckm‍%sh;ajh ,eì,d hym;a újdy ðú;hla fkd,efíúo lshk ielh ug ;sfhkjd'

tfyu ys;kak fya;=j@

l,dldßhla yeáhg uu ys;=j fohla ;uhs uu ljodj;a Èlalido fjkafka keye lsh,d' ta fjkqfjka uu fndfydau lem lsÍï l,d' újdyfhka miafia rÕmEï lghq;= mjd isud l,d' thska uu n,dfmdfrd;a;= jqfKa hym;a mjq,a ðú;hla .; lrkakhs' wjidfka ug újdyh /l.kak kï ðú;h mß;Hd. lrkakhs' b;sß fj,d ;snqfKa' ug uf.a ðú;fhka jkaÈ f.jkak neye' fudlo fndfyda fofklag fiajh lrkak ug ðú;h jákjd'

fndfyda rx.k Ys,amskag id¾:l újdy ðú;hla .; lrkak neye lshkjd'''''

tal uu ta yeáhg ms<s.kafka keye' iqcdks ìu,a fyd| mjq,a ðú;hla .; lrkjd' ´Iê oeka orefjla bkak wïud flfkla' mfndaOg;a oeka orefjla bkakjd' YIsld" fIydka ñysrx. fyd| mjq,a ðú; .; lrkjd' ta jf.a wh oelaldyu ug iEfykak i;=gla oefkkjd' l,d la‍fIa;‍%fha id¾:l mjq,a ðú; .; lrk úYd, msßila bkakjd'

ta jf.au újdy ðú; fork wh;a bkakjd' tal l,dldßhf.a ÿ¾j,lïu fkdfõ' .eyeKq flkd ckm‍%sh fjoaÈ msßñ flkdg bßishdj" l=yllu jf.a yeÕsï we;sfjkjd fjkak mq¿jka' ta tlal ckm‍%sh ldka;dj w;ska hq;=lï" j.lsï w;miqfjkak mq¿jka' yeu ukqiaifhl=f.u wvqmdvq ;sfhkjdfka'

kej; ðú;hg flfkla tla jqfKd;a@

tal fõúo lshkak uu okafka keye' fyd| wjfndaOhla flfkla ms<sn| we;s jqfKd;a muKla tjeks fohla fõú' ta ojiaj, jf.a uu wdorhg uf.a ðú;fha úYd, bvla fjka lrk tlla kï keye' ðú;hu wdorh lsh,d ys;k tlla keye' wdfha ug ßoaokak ldgj;a bv fokafka keye'

Tfí ðú;hg wdorh wjYH keoao@

uf.a ðú;hg wdorh f.dvla ´k' uf.a ysf;a ;sfhk wdorh m‍%ldY lrkak neß úfï wvqj ug oefkkjd' ta;a ld¾h nyq,;ajh;a tlal ta foaj,a uÕ yefrkjd' iuyr ojig kskao hk;=re wv,d uu uf.a ÿl ;=ks lr.kakjd' Bg miafia ojia yhla ú;r ðj;a fjkafka uf.a ys; Yla;su;a fjkjd'

;du;a m‍%pdrhla Tn wl,xl jf.a flfkl=g leue;shs lsh,d@

tal uy úys¿jla' uf.a ku Ndú;d lr,d udOH ckm‍%sh lr.kak .;a;= W;aiydhla' wl,xl;a ud;a fyd| hd¿fjda ú;rhs'

Tn fndfyda mqj;a ujkakshla njg m;afj,d' fndfyda fofkla jf.a Tn;a wf,ú fjkjd fkao@

wf,ú ùfï jrola uu olskafka keye' ,xldjg jvd m‍%n, f,i fyd,sjqÙ" fnd,sjqÙ Ys,amska wf,ú fjkjd' tfyu lkafka ta uÕska ks¾udK ckm‍%sh lrjkak' úfoia rgj, ;;a;ajh tal jqK;a ,xldfõ wf,ú lrkak W;aidy lrkafka wfma ðú;" wfma wkd.;h" udOHhla Wmfhda lrf.k fjkia lsÍu fyd| keye' pß; >d;kh fyd| keye' oeka kï uu ys; yodf.k bkafka tajd uu uqo,a úhoï fkdlr ,nk m‍%isoaêhla lsh,d' we;a; ljod fyda t,sfjkjd'

Tfí iqkL iqr;,d ksid miq.sh ojil Iqáx lekai,a lrkak jqKd lshkjd fkao@

Iqáx lekai,a lrkak jqKd lshk l;dj fndrejla' ta Iqáx tl ;snqfKa .dÙka tll' t;k whdf,a weúÈk n,af,da myf,djla ú;r ysáhd' uu;a tod uf.a iqkL iqr;,d tlal f.k .sh;a .dÙka tl ndr wdrla‍Ilfhda m‍%ldY l<d uf.a iqkL iqr;,d f.kshkak fokafka neye lsh,d' uu lreKq meyeÈ,s lr,d lsõjd tfya fufya hk iqkLfhda bkakjd kï fyd|g fnfy;a úo,d we;s lrk iqkLhd f.kshkak §fï jrola keye lsh,d' tal tÉprhs' kuq;a udOH uÕska m‍%pdrh jqfka fjk;a l;djla'
                                                     P. S. M. Palakatiya – a teacher from Mahanama College, Colombo was subjected to a disciplinary inquiry by the Education Ministry, following a statement she made to the media in November 2011, concerning  acts of corruption allegedly carried out in the school as well as an incident of sexual harassment she had allegedly had to face.

However, on September 30, as per the instructions of Education Ministry Secretary, Gotabhaya Jayaratne, Ms. Palakatiya was fined Rs. 30,000, deprived of a salary hike and transferred to another school as a result of her statement to the media.

“The teacher sought media assistance to shed light on the issues she was facing due to the Education Ministry’s inaction concerning her grievances. She was simply exercising the freedom of expression entitled to her by section 14 of the Constitution. This disciplinary action imposed on her by the Education Ministry is a clear violation of her right to expression,” Ceylon Teachers’ Union (CTU) General Secretary, Joseph Stalin said.

According to Mr. Stalin, Ms. Palakatiya has been charged of violating sections XLVII 6.5 and 6.1.4 of the Establishment Code, which restrict officials attached to the government sector from expressing views to the media without prior permission from his/her superiors and thereby ruling her action of making statements to the media, illegal.
“The Education Ministry only shed light on her grievance following the statement she made to the media. However, to this day, no action has been taken against any of the officials she held responsible in her complaints to the Ministry. Under such circumstances, the action taken by the Education Ministry has only further victimised the victim