oeka b;ska È.gu uu wukaod .ek lshjf.k hhs ug ´k jqfKa jHdmdrhla lr,d hyñka ñ, uqo,a yïn lr,d Ôúf;a iemj;a lr.kak wÅ, OkqoaOr
isß merl=ï Ñ;%gfha ;reK mrdl%undyq l=udrhdf.a pß;hg mK fmdjñka ;u l=¿÷,a rx.kfhkau risl is;a i;ka jYSlD; lr.;a ta wmQre kdUr rx.k Ys,amshd Tyqh' reêr.; Wreuhl ieÕj.;a l=i,;d ksidufoda tu rx.kfhys mßK; njla ñi wdOqksl .;s ,laIK Èia jQfha ke;' Tyq wÅ, OkqoaOrh'
f,ka.;=lu byjyd .sh pß;hlg ysñlï lshk wÅ, wm yd l;dny wdrïN lf<ao fndfyda l,l isg oek y÷kdf.k isá whl= mßoafoks'
rÕmdkak" l,d lghq;=j,g iïnkaO fjkak kï uf.a ysf;a ydxlúishlj;a woyila ;snqfKu keye' wfma wmamÉÑ" wïud" wlald" u,a,s fï yefudau ks;ru l,dj;a tlal hk .uk Èyd uu n,df.k ysáhd' kuq;a ug jqjukd jqfKa Bg jvd fjkia flfkla fjkak' fjkia fohla lrkak' jHdmdrhla lrkak ;uhs uq, b|,u wdidj ;snqfKa' fjf<|fmdf<a NdKav j, ñ, by< my< hk fj,dj, fndfydu Wkkaÿjlska uu tajd Èyd n,df.k ysáfha'
w;sYhska <.kakd iq¿ l;d ú,dih' lsisÿ wdhdihlska f;drj uqjg .,d tk ta l;d frd;a; ;j;a mkdmq;% l=yqUqmeKshl=f.a wd.ukhl yev ;, ujdfmkaùh' l,dj lshk foa ug ljodj;a wuq;= fohla jqfKa keye' l,dfjka wfma mjq,g ,enqKq risl wdl¾IKh .ek fyd| wjfndaOhla ug ;snqKd' ta foaj,a Èyd uu yß wdidfjka n,d ysáhd' kuq;a ug ´k jqfKa jHdmdrhla lr,d hyñka ñ, uqo,a yïn lr,d Ôúf;a iemj;a lr.kak' yeuodu uf.a ysf;a ;snqKq wdidj tal ;uhs' Tyq ;u rx.k Ôú;fha wdrïNh iksgqyka lr ;snqfKa fï wdldrhgh'
óg wjqreÿ follg ú;r l,ska jhsâ wEka.,a lshk .S;j,g rEm rpkd lrk wdh;kfha m%ix." ;=is; lshk fokakd ug È.= oEi .S;hg fmkS bkak lsh,d b,a,Sula l<d' b;ska uu talg bÈßm;a jqKd' tal bfíu isoaO jqKq fohla' Bg l,ska ojfij;a tfyu woyila uf.a ysf;a ;snqfKa keye' we;a; tal ;uhs' tu wjia:djg udj f;dard.ekSu .ek uu ta whg yqÕla ia;+;sjka; fjkjd' oeka b;ska fïl rEmjdyskS kd,sldj,ska úldYh fjkjd' fïl oel,d ;uhs fidaur;ak udud ug isß merl=ï Ñ;%mghg l;d lrkafka' ta fjkfldg fidaur;ak uduj ug uqK.eys,d ;snqfK;a keye' iQßh wrKg u,a,sj f;dar.kak wfma f.or wdmq ojfi;a uu ysáfha f.a we;=f,a ldurhlg fj,d' biairyg wdfju keye'
flfia fyda wo Tyq l,d f,dalfha fodrÕq¿ újr lrf.k yudrh' fidaur;ak Èidkdhl uy;df.a f;aÍu fndfyda we.hqug ,laj ;sfí' oeka Tyq fï .ek ork wdl,amh Tyqf.a jHdmdßl isyskh fuu wd.ukh mjqf,a wh olsk wdldrh oek .ekSu ug ßisúh'
l,djg iïnkaO ùu .ek fndfydu i;=áka bkafka' jHdmdßl ySkh yenE lr.kak" jHdmdr
l<ukdlrKh yd iïnkaO uf.a Wiia wOHdmk lghq;= lrf.k hkjd' ta w;r rÕmEï" rEmjdyskS idlÉPd" ksfõok lghq;= i|yd ,efnk wdrdOkdjkao yels whqßka ms<s.kakjd' b;ska oeka ug ,efnñka ;sfnk fma%laIl
wdodhu;a fndfydau by< tlla' tal;a fndfydu i;=áka ndr.kakjd Tyq lSfõ iskdj W;=rd hk yඬlsks'
l;dfõ iajdñ;ajh Tyqgu mjrd .ksñka ish mshdf.a jd.a úl%uhkao isys.kajñka wÅ, È.gu l;d lf<ah'
wms ys;uq fufyu' Tkak jvqfjla bkakjd' thdf.a mq;d fyd|g bf.kf.k bxðfkarefjla yß f,dl= ;dkdka;rhla ork flfkla yß fjkjd' b;ska fï jvqjg fldhs;rï kï i;=glao@ tl ojila fï jvqj f.or tkfldg olskjd ;ukaf.a mq;d mqgqjla yoñka bkakjd' t;fldg ta jvqjg oefkk wdvïnrldr ix;DIaÀh fudk ;rï tlla fõúo@
wo wfma wmamÉÑg" wïug oefkk yeÕSu;a ta jf.a tlla ;uhs'
l,d f,dalfha oejeka; pß;hlg ysñlï lshk celaika weka;kS kï wdorŒh ;d;a;dj uoaÿu mq;d olskafka fï wdldrhgh'
wmamÉÑ ug iqmsß ùrfhla' mqxÑ ldf,a b|,d f,dl= lÜgla ld,d úYd, lem lsÍï rdYshlska ;uhs thd uff;kg weú,a,d ;sfhkafka' wmamÉÑ mqxÑ ldf,a b|,d thd wdo¾Yhg .;a;= úúO lafIa;%j, ùrfhda fndfyda .Kkla ysáhd' ta yeu flfkl=f.kau Wlyd .;a;= iam%S;=j leálrf.k ìysjqKq iqmsß tl;=j ;uhs uf.a wmamÉÑ' wo wmsg ta oekqu fidhdf.k ;eka ;ekaj, hkak ´fka keye' ta yeu fohlau f.oru ;sfhkjd' ta w;ska wms yß jdikdjka;hs'
fh!jkh" wdorh folla fkdfõ' wÅ,g wdorh oefkk yeá .ek wikakgo uu w;miq fkdlf<ñ'
wdorh yßu iqkaorhs' fï lafIa;%hg tkak yqÕ ldf,lg biair b|,u uu .Ekq <ufhla tlal hd¿fj,d bkakjd' thd wukaod' wms yß i;=áka bkakjd' oeka b;ska È.gu uu wukaod .ek lshjf.k hhs' Bg miafia fï wdál,a tl wukaod .ek tlla fjhs' lula keoao@
^uy y¾äka iskdfiñka& wÅ,f.a fid÷re l;dj fodaf¾ .,d hñka ;sìŒ' kuq;a wdhdihlska fyda thg úrduhla ;eìh hq;=h' wkd.; n,dfmdfrd;a;= .ek Tyq lS foh wjik fuys ,shd ;nñ' wOHdmk lghq;= ksu lr.kak;a rx.k lafIa;%fha bÈßhg hkak;a n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka bkakjd' ta fldfydu jqK;a jeä l,a fkdf.diau ug weâria ke;sfjhs ^kej; iskdfiñka& wÅ,g weâria ke;sjk wdldrh .ek oek.ekSu wm wkd.;hg ;nuq'

"We do not need rabble rousing speeches and rhetoric that may sound well in Tamil Nadu but will not actually help the suffering Tamils and if these so called supporters of Eelam Tamils are genuinely interested in the welfare of the island Tamils," Krishnasswamysaid.
The UPA Government is aware of the problems of Tamils in Sri Lanka and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is using the diplomatic route to find an amicable solution, M Krishnasswamy, MP from Arani and former President of Tamil Nadu Congress Committee said.
Krishnasswamyalso said that both the UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and premier Singh had detailed discussions on the plight of Sri Lankan Tamils and the killing of Indian fishermen off the coast of the island nation.
"There has been considerable drop in mid-sea shooting incidents as the Government of India has very clearly told (Sri Lanka) that Indian fishermen should not be shot at," he said while addressing an event organised by the Tamil Nadu Chapter of Indian National Overseas Congress (INOC) in New York, USA on Saturday.
Unfortunately in Tamil Nadu, certain regional and caste oriented parties are playing to the gallery on the serious matter, bringing disrepute not only to the UPA Government but also to the nation as a whole, Krishnasswamy said.
"What is needed at this hour is restraint and none of the actions should make matters worse. The External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid has told me time and again that he is aware of the entire situation and has been taking up at highest level and that India will ensure that the Tamils live with peace and dignity," he said.
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