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ott 14

rEmjdyskS wÆ;ajeähd lsÍfï jHdmdrhg uqo,a fydhkak ìß|.Ksld jD;a;sfha fhojQ ieñhd                         .Ksld uvï jg,kak hk ‍fmd,sia lKavdhï  fy<sl< f;dr;=re /ila
fld,aÆmsáh ,sn¾á ma,did idmamq ixlS¾Kh msysá f.dvke.s,af,ys by< uy,aj, we;s ksjdi lsysmhla fhdod .ksñka ld,hla ;siafia lrf.k .sh iqmsß .Ksld uOHia:dkh oeka tys ke;' ðkd uevï kue;s ldka;dj úiska lrf.k .sh tu .Ksld uOHia:dkh jefikafka mdkÿr j,dfka 
msysá uOHu ¥IK u¾ok n<ldh tu ia:dkh jg,d wjidkfha§ ðkd uevï  kue;s tys ysñldßksh fldgqlr .ekSu;a iu.sks'

úfoia rgj, .Ksldjkaf.a mjd myi ,nd .ekSug yels tu iqmsß .Ksld ksjdihg wd .sh wh w;r ue;s weue;sjreka fukau 
wdrlaIl wxY m%OdkSkao isá njg úúO l;d ny me;sßks' jrla tu .Ksld uOHia:dkh jeg,Sug .sh fld<U wmrdO fldÜGdihg tys /£ yqka ksfhdacH weue;sjrfhl= w;gu yiq ù ;sìKs'  Tyqj tfia yiqjkafka ksfhdacH ‍fmd,siam;sjrfhl= f,i Wiia ùï ,nd fï jkúg úY%du f.dia isák ir;a ¨f.dv uy;d fld<U wmrdO fldÜGdifha wOHlaI Oqrh orñka isák ld,fha §h'

by< foaYmd,k iy ‍fmd,sia /ljrK u; l%shd;aul jqKq nj mejeiqKq ðkd uevïf.a ,sn¾á 
ma,did ys .Ksld uOHia:dkh jg,kjd hkak ish;ska f., lmd .ekSula  n÷h' ta th ks, we÷fï ;remá mjd .e,fjk jrola njg  m;ajk neúks' ir;a ¨f.dv uy;d kS;sh l%shd;aul lsÍug ðkd uevïf.a .Ksld uOHia:dkh jeg,Sug  ryis.; fufyhqula Èh;a lrkqfha by< ‍fmd,sia ks,Odßkago fydrdh'

tod ta jeg,Sfï§ ðkd uevï miaid  fodßka  m,d.sho reishdkq" Wiafnlsia;dkq we;=¿ rgj,a lsysmhlu iqrEmS .Ksldjka /ila fld<U wmrdO fldÜGdi ks,OdÍkag fldgqjkafka ,sn¾á ma,didys .Ksld uOHia:dkfha /£ isáh§h' ‍fmd,sia ks,OdÍkag tys§ yuqjk úfYaI wuq;a;d jkafka  ksfhdacH weue;sjrhdh' remsh,a oi oyilg reishdkq  .Ksldjla weKjqïlr weh meñfKk ;=re Tyq ldurhg ù ta jk úg isákafka úfoaYSh u;ameka fnda;,hl ri ú¢ñks' ta Wvqlh ksrdjrKh lr f.k irulska ieriSh'

tod tlS ksfhdacH weue;sjrhd ‍fmd,sia  w;awvx.=jg m;a fkdù fífrkafka ish md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ye÷kqïm; ir;a ¨f.dv uy;dg fmkajd Tyq bÈßfha okska jeà ;udj uqodyßk f,ig mskafikavq ùfuka wk;=rejh'
jrla mlaIhl ‍f,alïjrfhl= o ‍fmd,Sishg fldgqù  ;snqfKa fld<U .Ksld ksjdihl /£ isáh§h' tl, t,a'à'à'B' fha ;¾ck fya;=fjka tu foaYmd,k{hdg úfYaI wdrlaIdjlao imhd ;sì we;' Tyq .Ksld ksjdihg ßx.d ;snqfKa ish wdrlaIlhkaj .Ksld ksjdifha isg lsf,daógrhla muK wE;ska we;s w;=re ud¾.hl k;r fldg" ryia ñ;=frl= uqK .eiSug we;s nj wdrlaIlhkag mjidh' w;=re ud¾. ;=klska ßx.d Tyq tfia wdrlaIlhka u.yer .Ksld ksjdihg meñfKkqfha md .ukska ùuo wmQre isoaêhls'

‍fmd,sia lKavdhu tu .Ksld ksjdihg lvd mkskqfha fuu foaYmd,k{hd tys isák nj oekf.k fkdfõ' Tyq ‍fmd,Sishg fldgqjkafka wyUq  f,isks' ta jkúg;a .Ksldjka  iu. hyka .; ù isá tu foaYmd,k{hdo ‍fmd,sia n,OdÍka bÈßfha Tyqj uqod yßk f,ig ne.Em;aù  ;snqfKa oE;a tlafldg je| jefgñks'

uOHu ¥IK u¾ok n<ldfha ks,Odßka lKavdhula  jrla fld<U fld,aÆmsáfha vqma,sflaIka mdf¾ ;ekl iïndyk uOHia:dkhla f,i mj;ajdf.k .sh Ök .Ksld  ksjdihla jg,kakg .sfhdah' ixpdrl ùid u.ska udi yhl ld,hlg furgg f.k tkq ,nk Ök cd;sl iqrEmskshka fhdodf.k tl, lrf.k .sh tu .Ksld ksjdih furg by< me,eka;sh w;r m%isoaO ia:dkhls' ta by< iudcfha jecfUk mqoa.,hka /ila  ks;r tys wd .sh .kqfokqlrejka w;r isá neúks'
‍fmd,Sish tu ia:dkh jg,k úg" .Ksld jD;a;sfha ksr; fjñka isá Ök iqrEmskshka ldurj,ska mek Èjhkakg jQfha wv ksrej;sks'  ta whf.ka we;euqka vqma,sflaIka mdrg mek ;snqKq w;r ;j;a iuyreka ;dmamj,ska mek wjg f.j;=j, ieÕù  isáfhdah' vqma,sflaIka mdf¾ wv ksrej;ska Èj.sh ta .Ksldjka  foi n,kakg f.dia jdyk /ilao tl, wk;=rg m;a jQ nj jd¾;d úh'

¥IK u¾ok n<ldfha ks,OdÍka jrla .,alsiafia msysá .Ksld ksjdihla jg,kq ,nkafka fjia j,d.;a Wmdh ¥;fhl= fhdod .ksñks' Tyqo ‍fmd,Sisfha ks,Odßhl=u úh'  tu .Ksld ksjdifha /£ isá iqrEmS  ;reKshka y;r mia fofkl=o tys§ fldgqúh' idßhlska ieriS isá iqrEmskshla flfrys tys§ fldhsldf.a;a wjOdkh fhduqjQfha  weh ienE f,iu yskaÈ ks<shlf.a fuka mshlre fmkqula we;s ;eke;a;shl jQ neúks' wef.a wÕ  miÕ o ÿgqjka ukau;a lrkakg iu;a úh'

.Ksldjka w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka wk;=rej ta whj ldka;d ks,Odßka u.ska mÍlaId lsÍu idudkHfhka isÿjkakls' fuys§ o th tfiau úh' w;awvx.=jg .ekqKq ldka;djka lsysm fokd ldurhl oud mÍlaId lrkakg jQ ldka;d ‍fmd,sia ks,Odßksh u| fõ,djlg miq lE fudr foñka ldurfhka  t<shg mek.;af;a  i¾ ñksfyl=;a bkakjd hkqfjka lE .iñks' ldurfha isá msßñhd fjk lsisfjl=;a fkdj wr l,ska lS iqrEmS ;reKsh nj fy<súh'

fidhd ne,Sfï§ wkdjrKh jkafka tu ;reKsh ,sx.sl úm¾hdihlg ,lafjñka isák wfhl= njh' fldKavh" <eu m%foaYh"  isref¾ yevh" lgyඬ ish,a, fjkia ù we;;a ,sxf.akao%sh muKla fjkia fkdù mej;sKs'  weh  .Ksld jD;a;sfha ksr;j isg we;af;a tu ;;a;ajh fjkia lr.ekSu i|yd Y,Hl¾uhla lr.kakg uqo,a fidhd .ekSugh'

udi lsysmhla mqrdu weh ;reKshla  f,i fmkS isáh;a 
úfYaI;ajhla jkafka tu ksjfia isá lsisÿ .Ksldjla weh ,sx.sl úm¾hdihlg m;afjñka isá msßñfhl= nj oek fkdisàuh' ;j;a wmQreu ldrKhla jkafka weh úúO WmamrjeÜá u.ska" ;ud fj; tk .kqfokqlrejka mjd rjgd ;sìuh'
Wvyuq,a‍f,a msysá .Ksld ksjdihla jeg¨ wjia:dfõ§ ñßydk ‍fmd,Sisfha lKavdhulg 
wdrlaIl wxYhl isá by<u ks,Odßfhl=o fldgq ù ;sìKs' ta jk úg úY%du f.dia  isá tu ks,Odßhd fïc¾ fckrd,ajrfhls' tl, m%isoaO pß;hla jQ Tyq ye÷kqïm; fmkajd ‍fmd,Sisfhka fífrkafka fï .ek lsisfjl=g;a fy<sfkdlrk f,ig ne.Em;a fjñks'

.Ksld jD;a;sfha ksr;j isáñka" fg,s kdgH ks<shka  f,io fmkS isá jeä fofkl= kS;sh bÈßhg f.k tkq ,enqfõ o ñßydk ‍fmd,Sisfha  úfYaI ‍fmd,sia lKavdhula úisks' jrla tu ‍fmd,sia lKavdhu oe, t¨fha  tl, ckm%sh fg,skdgHhl ckm%sh wdOqksl ks<shla fldgq lr.kakgh' fjia j,d.;a Wmdh ¥;hd f,i ‍fmd,sia fldia;dm,ajrfhl= fhdojkq ,enqfõ ‍fmd,sia lKavdhï m%OdkS Nd;sh chisxy uy;df.a Wmfoia wkqjh'

weh iu. .kq fokqj l;dnia lr .ekSfuka miq fldia;dm,ajrhd kqf.af.dv msysá fydag,hlg weh /f.k .sfhah' u| fõ,djlg miq Nd;sh chisxy we;=¿ ‍fmd,sia lKavdhulau tys lvd jÈkafka l,a;shd l< ie,iqug wkqjh'
fuhd uf.a fndahs f*a‍kaâ' wehs wmsg lduf¾l bkak ;ykïo@ weh tys§ Nd;sh chisxy we;=¿ ‍fmd,sia ks,Odßkag lvd mksñka" kS;sh W.kajkakg .;af;a kS;s‍fmdf;a j.ka;s iy kvq ;Skaÿo f.kyer  mdñks' wjidkfha wehg lg mshd.kakg isÿ jkafka;a" ‍fmd,sia ks,Odßka bÈßfha  ;udj uqodyßk f,i je| jefgkakg isÿjkafka;a fjiaj,d.;a Wmdh ¥;hd f,i weh iu. ldurfha isg we;af;a ‍fmd,Ssisfhau fldia;dm,ajrhl= nj wkdjrKh ùu;a iu.h'

m%Odk fmf<a .=jka úÿ,s kd,sldjl m%j¾Ok ks,Odßkshlo" úksiqrejrfhl=o we;=¿ úúOdldr mqoa.,hka .Ksld ksjdij,§ ‍fmd,Sishg fldgqù ;sfnk w;r ta whf.ka we;euqkag ‍fmd,Sish ÿgqúg uq;%d mjd myjqKq wjia:d we;s nj mejfia' ta nj i|yka lrkqfha tjka jeg,Sïj,g nyq,j iïnkaO jk ks,Odßkah'

úfYaI ‍fmd,sia lKavdhula jrla l< jeg,Sul§ iqrEmS ;reKshla fldgqjkafka ‍fmd,sia Wmdh ¥;fhl= iu. fydag,a  ldurhlg .shúgh' tys§ fy<s jkafka tu ;reKshj .Ksld  jD;a;shg fhduq lr we;af;a wka lsisjl= fkdj ieñhd úiskau njh' jD;a;sfhka  rEmjdyskS  wÆ;a jeähd  lrkafkl= jk Tyq Bg udi lsysmhlg fmr újdy jQ ìß|j .Ksldjla f,i wf,ú lrkakg mgka f.k we;af;a ;u jHdmdrh ÈhqKq lr .kakg uqo,a fidhd .kakgh' fï ish,a, isÿj we;af;a wef.ao leue;a; u; ùu ;j;a wmQre ldrKdjls' ta fofokd  újdyù we;af;ao §¾> fmï iïnkaOhlska miqjh'                                            (Reuters) - An opening goal from Jack Wilshire in Arsenal’s 4-1 Premier League win over Norwich City on Saturday was described by manager Arsene Wenger as one of the best he had seen in his 17 years at the north London club.

Wilshere volleyed home in the 18th minute after exchanging four quick passes with Olivier Giroud. Mesut Ozil scored twice and Aaron Ramsey grabbed his ninth of the season to help Arsenal to a two-point lead at the top of the table.
“All the four goals were great but the first was exceptional,” Wenger told a post-match news conference. “It was one of the best in my time here for sure.”
Wenger said Arsenal, who have not won the league since 2004, were better placed than they had been in any October of recent years. But he stressed the jury was still out on whether they had the resources to take this season’s title.
“We have a good attitude and good solidarity level. We have real quality that is clear,” he said. “But how far will we go? How consistent will we be? We will have to see.
“We come out of a long period where at this point in October most of the time in recent years…we were already behind. At the moment we are in a better position.”
Arsenal, unbeaten since an opening day home defeat by Aston Villa, had made hard work of the first hour on Saturday, failing to carve out any clear cut opportunities after Wilshere’s opener. It was not until the game began to break up in the second half that they began to look like scoring again.
After a period of Norwich pressure early in the second half they broke forward on 58 minutes, Ozil heading home Giroud’s pinpoint cross.
Jonathan Howson drove past goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny from the edge of the box to get Norwich back in the game with 20 minutes to go before Ramsey slalomed past three defenders in the box, dummying to shoot twice, before driving home.
Ozil tapped in a well-worked fourth with two minutes to go.
“Norwich are a good side,” said Wenger. “We had a difficult period between 30 and 60 minutes when we struggled to keep our game going. But I am very happy with the performance.”
He added that Matthieu Flamini, who came off with concussion midway through the first half, was doubtful for Tuesday’s Champions League clash with Borussia Dortmund in London.) - Former Manchester United manager AlexFerguson says that he does not regret his decision to retire and is happy to provide assistance to his successor, David Moyes.
Ferguson retired in May after a record-breaking 26-and-a-half-year spell at United in which he won 13 Premier League titles, two Champions League crowns, five FA Cups and four League Cups.
It made the 71-year-old Scot the most successful manager in the history of the British game, but he said he knew that the time had come for him to step down.
“My reaction was that I knew it was the best thing for me. I knew I’d done my time,”Ferguson told Saturday’s edition of British newspaper The Daily Telegraph.
“My attitude was: ‘The only way I could really enjoy my life was to forget it,’ because you can become withdrawn about what you’re going to do.
“‘Am I going to miss this?’ My attitude was, ‘I’m not going to miss it. My time has come.’ I’d picked the right moment. The successes were mind-boggling, to think what had happened to me in my career at United. Forget the past. It’s no use to me.”
Moyes, 50, has endured a difficult start to life at Old Trafford, losing three of his first seven Premier League games, but Ferguson, who is now a United director, said he was on hand to provide help and support.
“My life as a United person continues,” said Ferguson, whose new autobiography is released next week.
“And that means winning; enjoying watching them winning. I don’t need to worry about refereeing decisions, agents or the press any more.
“We’ve got a young manager and I’m there to help him. We’ve had a lot of dialogue, David and I, over the last few weeks and he’s been very, very good. He’s been very open about what his plans have been. Any help he’s needed or wanted, he’s got it there.”
Ferguson also described the England manager’s position as a “horrible job” after current national coach Roy Hodgson became embroiled in a racism storm over a joke about a monkey that he told his players during a half-time team talk.
Hodgson apologised for any offence caused and was given the full backing of the Football Association.
“I don’t think the manager’s job with England is a good one. I think it’s a horrible job,” Ferguson said.
“For instance, (FA chairman) Greg Dyke comes out and says they’re going to win the World Cup in 2022. He may know something about football — and I’m sure he’s trying to learn what’s going on — but from grassroots levels right up to the national team, that is a massive job.”
Ferguson expressed surprise that Hodgson had been angered by criticism from former England striker turned television presenter Gary Lineker over England’s performance in a recent 0-0 draw in Ukraine.
“Now, I scan papers more than I did in 20-odd years,” he said. “I was interested in reading all the things about Roy Hodgson and the game in Ukraine, the angles they (journalists) take.
“Some are pro, some are against, some are middle-of-the-road. Roy’s reaction was interesting. Roy’s a manager of great experience. I was surprised he got annoyed by Gary Lineker.
“Gary always comes across with wee throwaway lines. I was surprised Roy got himself annoyed with