ik;af.a ìß|
Èlalidoh b,a,d
kvq ouhs
Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhfï ysgmq kdhl iy ;eme,a yd úÿ,s ixfoaY ksfhdacH weu;s ik;a chiQßh uy;df.a ìß| jk iekav%d gdkshd frdaiauÍ o is,ajd uy;añh ta uy;df.ka Èlalido ùug wjYH nj mjiñka fld<U Èid wêlrKh yuqfõ kvqjla f.dkq lr ;sfí'
fï fjkqfjka ñka by;o wêlrKfha kvqjla mej;=ko fomd¾Yjfha tl`.;dj u; th iu:hg m;aj ;snQ w;r Bfha Èkfha mejrE kvqfjka ;uka iy ore ;sfokdg remsh,a ñ,shk 800l jkaÈhla ,nd§ug;a ksfhda. lrk f,i o iekav%d uy;añh wêlrKfhka b,a,d we;'
ik;a chiQßh i;=j remsh,a ì,shkhlg wêl foam<la we;s njo mjik weh orejkf.a m%fhdackh i|yd fudag¾ r: folla o fuu.ska b,a, we;s weh ;uka mÈxÑj isák ksji Tyqf.a úhoñka idod fok f,i o b,a,hs'
iekav%d iy ik;a chiQßh hqj,g ore ;sfokl= isák w;r iekav%d ik;af.a fojeks újdyfha ìß|hs' Three persons including an infant were killed and five others injured as a van collided with a parked lorry in Karuwalagaswewa this morning, police said.
One of the victims had died on the spot while two others succumbed to their injuries after being admitted to the Puttalam hospital.
Police confirm that the three victims, a retired bank employee (59), a woman (53) and a 10 month year old infant were on their way to Anuradhapura on pilgrimage.
The Five injured, remain in critical condition and are currently undergoing treatment at the Puttalam hospital police said.