.hdka lshhs
kjl k¿jka w;f¾ ld,fha mgka wo olajdu l;d nyg ,lajk pß;hla njg m;aj isák k¿fjls .hdka úl%u;s,l' ckm%sh rx.k Ys,ams‚ p;=ßld yd .hdka w;r ;sfnk fmï m,ys,a,õj oeka ljqre;a okakd m%isoaO ryils'
l,d lafIa;%h ;=,§ kï Tjqka ish yelshdjka ukdj t<s oelaùug iu;alï mdhs' ta w;=ßka .hdka úfgl wysxil pß;hkag fukau ÿIaGhdf.a pß;hkag;a ish rx.k yelshdj fhdod .ksñka pß;hka bÈßm;a lrk whqre Tn;a wm;a fydÈka oel ;sfí'
fn!oaO l;d iskudjg keÕSug fmruqK .;a Ñ;%mg wOHlaIjrfhla jk ik;a wfífialr fï jk úg Tyqf.a isjqjk Ñ;%mg ks¾udKhg;a
iQodkï nj wmsg wdrxÑ jqKd'
fï Ñ;%mgfha ku ˜wcdi;a;˜' fuys wcdi;a; f.a pß;h rÕ olajkakg jdikdj ysñlr f.k ;sfnkafka kj mrmqf¾ ckm%sh k¿jl= jk .hdka úl%u;s,lhs' .hdka Tyq rx.khg tlaùug kshñ; ˜wcdi;a;˜ pß;h .ek l;d lf<a fï úÈyg'
—wcdi;a; pß;h rÕmEug wjia:dj ,eîu .ek uu yqÕdla i;=gq fjkjd' fï pß;h id¾:lj rÕ olajkakg wjYH oekqu" fï jk úg uu ,nd .ksñka isákjd' ta uu ys;kjd fï Ñ;%mgh wo iudchg fndfyda fia WÑ; fõú lsh,d'
fudlo wo yeu;eku .;af;d;a wcdi;a;,d jeks pß; ´kE;rï wmg yuqjk ksid' b;ska fï pß;fhka uu W;aidy .kafka wcdi;a;,df.a ienE h:d¾:h iudchg y÷kajd §ughs' tjeks pß;hlg odhl ùug ,eîu we;a;gu ug i;=gla'˜
,xld B f.disma ksõia The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee said that the UK Foreign Office should examine whether it could have enabled the UK Border Agency itself, rather than the courts, to have reached the conclusion that a change to the guidance on risk was required. The Committee also observed that the Foreign Office strategy on the prevention of torture makes no mention of the UK’s obligations under Article 3 of the UN Convention Against Torture and how the UK Foreign Office should play its part in ensuring that these are met.