mq;d,d fokakg;a
ix.S;h .ek
yelshdjla ;sfhkjd oYl .Kkdjla ix.S; lafIa;%h ;=< /£ isá wd;aud ,shkf.a wkQj oYlh wdrïNh;a iu. —,sh;Urd˜ .S;h ;=<ska iqúfYaI werUqula we;s l<d' tod fuod ;=< ix.S; lafIa;%fha úúO m%jK;d we;sjQ w;r t;=<ska u;=jQ kjl msßi ckm%sh jqKd' wo ojfia ckm%shu .S iuqÉPh mÍlaId lr ne¨fjd;ska ta w;ßka nyq;rhlau kj mrmqr odhl jQ w¨;au .S;' ta jqK;a wd;aud .ehQ —wdfhu;a wdofrka˜ yd —is; ÿr yxod˜ .S; fol wo mrmqr w;r by<u ckm%sh;ajhla ,nd ;sfhkafka ld,Sk fjki ;=< kffjkiajQ wd;audf.a ckm%sh;ajh yd olaI;djh u;= lrjk idOl úÈhghs' fï .S; foflkau rislhska yd ix.S;{hska jqfKa kj mrmqf¾ fofofkla'
we;eï m%ùKhska kjlhskag fodia k.oa§ ;u wkkH;djh /lf.k kj mrmqr yd .kqfokq lrk fï wmQre l,dlrejd yuqjkakg wms miq.shodl Tyqf.a ksjig f.dvjeÿKd' ljo;a fndfydu ir, ksy;udkS whl= f,i isák wd;aud wmsj ms<s.;af;a yßu iqyoYS,S wdldrhg'
fï ojiaj, wd;audf.a ckm%shu .S; folla wmsg wykakg ,efnkjd' ta .S; .ek l;d lrñkau fï l;dny wdrïN lruq'
Th .S; folu rpkd lf<a rÑ;d jdlsIaG' .S; folu ix.S;j;a lf<a ;s<sK reyqkf.a fofokdu ;reK wh ;s<sK mqxÑu ldf,a b|ka uf.a .S; .ek Wkkaÿ fj,d ;sfhkjd' ta wkqj ;uhs Tyq ugu .e<fmk úÈhg .S; ks¾udKh lf<a'
wo ojfia .S; ckm%sh lrjkak úúO l%u wkq.ukh lrk njg we;euqka lshkjd'
ckm%sh lrùula .ek uu kï okafk keye' ckm%sh ùu bfíu isÿjkafk' t;ek§ jeo.;a jkafka ix.S;h" B<Õg mo ud,dj fï fol w;r
úfYaI;ajhla ;sìh hq;=hs' .dhlhd yd .dhsldj ta úfYaI;ajh jgyd.; hq;=hs' .S; lshk wh;a bkakjd' .hk wh;a bkakjd' .dhlhd fyda .dhsldj l< hq;af;a .S; .ehSu' ta úÈyg ks¾udKh jk .S; risl ck;dj bfíu je<|.kakjd'
.S;hla ckm%sh lrjkak rEm rpkd w;HjYH njg u;hla wo we;sfj,d ;sfhkjd'
ta u;hg uu tlÕ kE' .S;hlg rEm rpkdjla yeÿju rEm rpkdj krUk whf.a wjOdkh fhduqjkafka rEm rpkdjg' tfyu jqKdu .S;fha mo ud,dj ta ;=<ska lshefjk w¾:h mjd hgm;a ù hkak mq¿jks' ud .ehQ —,sh;Urd˜ .S;h oeka oYl folla ú;r m%pdrh jkjd' tod ta .S;h ri ú¢ whf.a orefjd;a wo Th .S;h uquqkkjd' ta;a ;ju uu ‘,sh;Urd’ .S;hg rEm rpkdjla lr, keye'
ta ld,hg .e<fmk fohg ks¾udKh jk .S; ta ld,h ;=< ckm%sh jkjd lsh, lshk msßil=;a bkakjd'
uu ‘,sh;Urd’ .S;h ks¾udKh lf<a 1977§ ta ldf,a uu Th .S;h nEkaâj,g .ehqjd' 89§ ;uhs má.; lr,d kd,sld yryd m%pdrh flrefKa' 90 uq,§ Th .S;h f.dvla ckm%sh jqKd' ta ckm%sh;ajh wog;a j,x.=hs' ld,hg .e<fmk .S; ckm%shjkjd lshkak neye' uu ys;kafk .S;h ;=< wr uu uq,ska lS úÈhg hï úfYaI;ajhla ;sìh hq;=hs' talhs ckm%sh;ajhg fya;=jkafka'
wo ìysfjk .S; tl /hska ckm%sh fj,d u;lfhka neyerj hkafka Tn lS úÈfha iqúfYaI;ajhlska hq;= .S; ta w;r ke;s yskaoo@
iuyr úg tfyu fjkak;a mq¿jka' wo ìysfjk .S;j, iajNdjh wo ojfia ix.S; rgd jgydf.k ta ish,a, w;r u;=fj,d fmfkk iqúfYaI úÈfha ks¾udKhka lf<d;a iuyr úg ld,hla mj;skak mq¿jks'
wehs b;ska Tn ta úÈfha fohla lrkafk ke;af;'
uu lrmq w¨;a ks¾udK lsysmhlau ;sfhkjd' ix.S; ks¾udKj,ska hq;= .S;;a ta w;r ;sfhkjd' bÈßfha§ tajd ck;dj w;rg taú' ta w;r Th lS wdldrfha ks¾udK;a we;s'
wd;aud .S; f;dard .ekSula lrkjdo@
wksjd¾hfhkau Tõ' uu by< iajr mrdi ;=< .S; .hkafka' uu .hk .S;hl tl mohla fyda ta úÈfha iajr mrdihl ;sìh hq;=hs' talhs uf. wkkH;djh'
mjqf, f;dr;=re áll=;a lshkak'
uf. ìß| l=udß ,xld' f,dl= mq;d uhqr , jhi 22hs' fojeks mq;d l=ure , jhi 16hs' fmdä mq;d idudkH fm< yodrkjd'
f,dl= mq;d mdi,a wOHdmkh ksud lr,d jr,;a .KldêlrKh Tiafia jeäÿr yodrkjd' fofokdgu ix.S;h .ek olaI;djhla ;sfhkjd'
ta wh ix.S;h;a yodrkjd'
ta;a ;ju ix.S; lafIa;%hg tl;=fj,d keye'
ta wh .S; lshkjd olskak uu leu;s keye' uu leu;s ta wh .S; .hkjd olskak' talg yeoEÍu yd mqyqKqj wjYHhs' ta wx.j,ska mßmQ¾K jQ miqj mq;=ka fofokd ix.S; lafIa;%hg tl;=fõú'

The 48-year-old former test quick took over in 2011 in the wake of the last Ashes series in Australia, which England won convincingly 3-1 with a string of big batting performances in the face of some hapless bowling from the home seamers.
Getting his bowlers to operate as a cohesive unit and bowl a fuller length with more swing, McDermott fashioned a corps of quicks that savaged India’s vaunted batsmen in a 4-0 test series sweep on home soil in the 2011-12 season.
McDermott stepped down just a few months later in May 2012, though, saying the constant travel with the Australia teams was taking too much of a toll on his family life.
His new role will be just with the test bowlers, thereby reducing his travelling commitment, with Ali de Winter supervising the limited overs teams in a similar role.
“Given the amount of cricket played now in all three forms of the game, we’ve been considering our coaching structure to get the best out of the players across the various formats,” said Cricket Australia’s team performance manager Pat Howard.
“We also feel that with the amount of touring now it is extremely difficult for every member of the support staff to be on every tour.” McDermott will have his work cut out before next month’s first test with the performance of the batsmen in the 3-0 Ashes defeat in England earlier this year indicating that Australia will be heavily reliant on their bowlers if they are to wrest back the urn.
To add to Australia’s problems, young quicks James Pattinson, Mitchell Starc and Jackson Bird are all unavailable through injury for all or part of the series, which begins in Brisbane on Nov. 21.
McDermott said he was looking forward to working with head coach Darren Lehmann and captain Michael Clarke. “There is obviously a huge focus on regaining the Ashes this summer and I’ll work as hard as possible to prepare our bowlers for the challenge ahead,” he said.