wrlal= rg;a
f,vlrk yeá u;ameka ms<sn|j iudch ;=< we;s u;hka úúOdldrh' hï msßilg u;ameka hkq Ôú;fha jákdu iïm;h' ÿjd orejka mjd u;ameka ;rï Tjqkg jákafka ke;'
iudcfha u;ameka Ndú;ho úúOdldrh' iuyrla Woeik lgfydokafkao u;ameka j,sks' iuyrl=g u;ameka l,alÿre ;rï ;s;a;h' ´kEu iudc kshE¢hl fuka fuu fofldgigu wh;ajkafk iq¿;rhlgh' iucfha nyq;rhla fuu fofldgigu wh;a fkdfõ' wdl,amuh w;ska iudcfha w;snyq;rhla uoHidr flfrys olajkafka WodiSk u;hls' Tjqkg uoHidr hkq ;j;a tla mdß øjHhla mu‚' th ;ukaf.a hymeje;aug úk lrk njg yeÕSula Tjqkg ke;'
Y%S ,xldfõ u;ameka Ndú; lrkafka 15] muK iq¿;rhls' Tjqkaf.ka nyq;rhlao u;ameka Ndú; lrkafka úfYaI wjia:djl§ mu‚' wdl,amuh w;ska uoHidr .ek WodiSk m%;sm;a;shla orkakka yd úfYaI wjia:dj,§ muKla u;ameka Ndú; lrkakka Y%S ,xldfõ iïmQ¾K u;ameka mßfNdackhg we;slrk n,mEu .ek idlÉPd lsÍu fuu ,smsfha wruqKhs'
u;ameka fmdÿfõ Y%S ,dxlsl iudcfha fyda úfYaIfhkau isxy, iudcfha ÈhqKqjg we;s m%Odk;u wNsfhda.hhs' Y%S ,xldfõ u;ameka jvd m%p,s;j we;af;a isxy, yd fou< m%cdj w;rh' úoaj;=kag wkqj jirlg ,xldfõ urK 20000 lg muK u;ameka fya;=fjhs' wlaud.; isfrdaiSia frda.h ksid we;sjk urK by<skau jd¾;djk rgls Y%S ,xldj' ßh wk;=re" ms<sld yd ishÈú kid.ekSu ksid we;sjk urK iEfyk m%;sY;hlgo uoHidr iDcqj fyda jl%dldrj fya;=fjhs' hqoaOh ksid fyda fvx.= ksid fyda isÿ jQ urK .Kkg jvd jeä urK m%udKhla u;ameka ksid isÿù we;'
úfYaIfhkau isxy,$fou< iudcfha ÿmam;alug u;ameka odhl fõ' Èia;%slal foll ÿmam;a mjq,a w;r lrk ,o iólaIKhlg wkqj tu mjq,aj, msßñhd is.rÜ$u;amekaj,g weíneys ù we;skï mjqf,a udisl wdodhfuka 40] la ta i|yd jehjk nj fidhdf.k we;' Y%S ,xldfõ m%Odk u;ameka ksIamdok iud.ul 2012 o< jd¾Isl wdodhu re" 63"000"000"000$- f,i j¾;djk w;r" fuu uqo, Y%S ,dxlslhka jirlg u;ameka i|yd jehl< uqo,ska fldgila muKla jkq we;'
u;ameka yd m%pkav;ajh w;ro wjdikdjka; iïnkaOhla mj;S' u;ameka Ndú; l< mqoa.,hl=g m%pkav f,i yeisÍug" iudch ,nd§ we;s jrm%idoh fuhg fya;=jhs' Y%S ,xldj ;=< Nd¾hdjkaf.ka 30] muK iajdñ mqreIhdf.a ldhsl ;dvk mSvkj,g ,lafõ' fuu mjq,aj,ska ie,lsh hq;= fldgil iajdñ mqreIhka" u;ameka m%pkav;ajhg ksoyig ldrKdjla lr.kS'
by; o;a;j,g wkqj Y%S ,dxlsl m%cdjf.a wd¾Óluh yd fi!LHuh miqnEug fukau" mjqf,a i;=g ke;sùugo m%Odk fya;=jla f,i u;ameka Ndú;h fya;=jk nj meyeÈ,sh'
tfy;a fmdÿ iudch ;=< fvx.= úfrdaë" lsßmsá úfrdaë" ¥IK úfrdaë l;sldj;a fndfyda we;;a u;ameka úfrdaë l;sldj;la f.dv fkdkef.kafka wehs@ u;ameka Ndú; fkdlrkakka yd úfYaI wjia:dj, muKla u;ameka Ndú; lrkakkaf.a WodiSk;ajh' ìh.=¨lu" WvÕ=lu fyda fkdoekqj;alu ksidh' Y%S ,xldj ;=< u;ameka ksid isÿjk ydkshg iDcqj n,mdkafka ksødYS,S ms<sfj;h'
.ul urKdOdr /iaùul fõjd k.rfha úOdhl ks,OdÍkaf.a tluq;=jl§ fyda fõjd ¥IKh" lsßmsá wdÈh .ek fõjd flfkla l;d l<;a" u;ameka ksidjk ydksh .ek l;d lsÍug flfkl= bÈßm;ajkafka l,d;=rlsks' fuu /iaùul nyq;rh u;amekg f,d,ajQjka fkdjkq we;' tuksid ;ksmqoa.,hl= fyda /iaùfï idudkH l;dnyg u;ameka ksid jk ydksh .ek l;sldj;la tl;= l<fyd;a" fkdoekqj;aju tu l=vd iudch ;=< u;ameka ksid jk ydksh wvqjkq we;'
Tn m%sh iïNdIKhla fyda ñ;=re yuqjla ixúOdkh lrkafka kï" ;ks mqoa.,hl= fyda lsysfokl= th u;ameka yuqjla njg m;alsÍug ork W;aidyh Tng je<elaúh yel' ux., idohl§ fuh jvd jeo.;ah' W;aijhg iyNd.sjkakkaf.a nyq;rhla ue;ameka Ndú; fkdlrk ksid" nyq;rhlf.a i;=gg uoHidr ke;sùu fya;=jkq we;' kuq;a fuys§ uoHidrj,g f,d,a jQ lsysmfokl=f.a /jqï .eryqï fyda wdhdpkd bÈßfha fkdie,S isàug ;rï Tn iDcq úh hq;=hs'
Tfí .fï msßñka lsysmfokl= u;ameka Ndú;lr f.afodr ;=< wvonr lrkafka kï Tn ksy~j isáh hq;=o@ .fï tfia fkdlrk nyq;rh Bg úreoaO l;sldj;la .u ;=< we;slrkafka kï Tfí .u jvd iqkaor ;ekla jkq we;' tfiau Tfí orejkaf.a hyj¾Okhg jvd fyd| mßirhla .u ;=< we;sjkq we;'
udOHhka yryd hïflfkl= uoHidr j¾Kkd lrkafka kï ienE udOHlrefjl=f.a j.lSu Bg tfrysùuhs' ienE iqkaor udOHlrejl=f.a hq;=lu jkafka ;u mdGlhkaf.a Ôú; jvd iqkaor lsÍu fkdfõo@ 70-80 oYlfha wmg isá jákdu l,dlrejka lsysmfokl= wmg wysñlf<a hqoaOh fkdj u;ameka h' mdif,a l%Svd Wf<,l§ fyda mdif,a uyd l%slÜ .egqul§ fyda .=rejrhl=" wdÈ YsIHhl= fyda m%N+jrhl= fyda u;ameka mdkh lrhs kï" th olsk YsIHhkao u;ameka mdkhg fhduqjkq we;' tfia fhduqjk orejkaf.ka fldgila u;ameka ksid Ôú;h jkid.kq we;' fuu lgql i;Hh .ek l;sldj;la .=re m%cdj ;=< yd wdÈ YsIH ix.uh ;=< we;sjkafka kï YsIHhkaf.a fmdÿ wkd.; ÈhqKqjg th fya;=jkq we;'
by; oelajQ WodyrKj,g wu;rj uoHidr Ndú; fkdlrkakka yd úfYaI wjia:dj, muKla u;ameka Ndú; lrkakka" Y%S ,xldj ;=< u;ameka ksid jk ydkshg odhljk wdldrh fndfydah' Tn;a tjeks mqoa.,hl= kï Tng iudc ixj¾Okhg odhl úh yels myiq we;' tkï Tfí jgmsgdj ;=< uoHidr ksid jk ydksh y÷kd.ekSu yd Bg úreoaO l;sldjla wdrïN lsÍuh' ritain’s Prime Minister David Cameron is set to discuss the slow progress being made in the matter of Khuram Sheikh the British tourist who was murdered in Tangalle where one of those charged is a member of the ruling party. Cameron will be mindful of the various marginal seats – there are as much as twenty – when he makes his speech in Colombo. It is expected to be ‘hard hitting’ and one in which it is expected Cameron will ‘not to mince his words’. If anything is to placate the British, it will be positive developments on the fronts that they are most concerned for: real progress on accountability, the judiciary, and progress on developing a peaceful co-existence with the minorities.
However, the ruthlessness of the Canadian boycott of CHOGM is seen by most international political analysts as a revengeful act of a Premier far removed from the maturity desired in affairs of a diplomatic nature. It is indeed pertinent to question if Premier Harper’s decision to boycott the meeting holds any real concern for human rights outside of desperation to win in the province of Ontario, a Liberal stronghold. The voices of Tamil Tiger funds that speak volumes in political campaigns of certain Western politicians are neither a new phenomenon, nor a silent one. Ontario itself is home to a large Tamil Diaspora community whose appeasement has become tradition over the last few decades for the political survival of a number of prominent members of the Canadian political arena.