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ott 06

,sx. udrefjka Ôú;h wysñfn,aðhdkq cd;sl ldka;dj              ldka;djla f,i fuf,dj t<sh ÿgq fn,aðhdkq cd;slfhl= ;u ldka;d iajrEmh fjkia lr msßufhl= f,i ie;alula lr ;sfí'

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44 yeúßÈ fuu mqoa.,hdf.a^ Nathan Verhelst&" Ôú; ydkslr .ekSug tu rfÜkS;sfhka wjir ,nd ÿkafka ord .ekSug fkdyels udkisl mSvdj ksid njhs tu rfÜ wêlrKh mjid isákafka' 
fuu mqoa.,hdf.a Èú ydks lr .ekSug wjYH fnfy; imhd § we;af;a jrla Wm;skau ìysßj isá ksjqka fidfydhqrka fofofkla ;reK úhg t<ô miq wkaO Ndjhg m;a ùug hdfï§ Tjqkaf.a Ôú; ke;s lr .ekSug kS;sfhka wjir §fuka miq wod< fnfy; imhd ÿka ffjoHjrhdhs'

fuf,i ishÈú ydkslr.;a k;dkaf.a W;am;a;sfha ku kekaiSh' ldka;djla f,i bmÿkq weh ish fydafudak fjkia lr .ksñka mqoa.,fhla f,i wkqj¾;kh jQfha 2009 j¾Ifha§h' bka wk;=rej ie;alulska ;u m%fhdaOr bj;a lrñka mqreI wjhj ,nd .ekSugo miq.sh j¾Ifha kej;;a ie;alulg Ndckh ù ;sfí' Èú ydks lr.ekSug m%:u udOH fj; woyia olajñka k;dka mjid isáfha Tyq" Tyqf.a wÆ;a W;am;a;sh ieuÍug uÕ n,ñka isáh;a Tyq Tyqf.a YÍrh foi lKakdäfhka ne¨ úg Tyq .eku ms<sl=,la we;s jQ njhs'

Tyq ;jÿrg;a mjid isákafka ie;alñka wk;=rej ;u mmq m%foaYh ;uka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQ f,i fkd,enqkq w;r mqreI wjhj j,o wod< ,laIK j, hï fjkila fmkakqïlr we;s njhs' ;jo tu ,laIK j, úlD;s;dj fya;=fjka ;uka rdlaIfhl= fuka oelSu ;ud lsisfia;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= fkdjk njhs'

ish¿ rgj,a w;ßka oekg ish Èú ydks lr .ekSug kS;sfhka wjir § we;s fojeks rg jkafka fn,aðhuhs' fuu wjirh ,nd ÿka m<uq rg fko¾,ka;h fõ' fn,aðhï md¾,sfïka;=fõo fï wjirh ,nd § we;af;a ;jÿrg;a Ôj;a ù isàfuka m<la fkdjk frda.ska i|yhs tkï ord .ekSug fkdyels YdÍßl fõokdjlska fmf<k frda.Ska i|yd muŒ' hïflfkl=g ;ud W;am;a;sfhkau i¾j iïmQ¾KjQ rEmhla odhdo jQjdkï Bg tydhska ;u wdYdjka Wfoid ;u iajrEmh fjkia lr ,sx.sl fjkialï lsÍug ;e;a lsÍug fmr tys wjOdku .ek fudfyd;la is;=jd kï fujka Ôú; ydks j<lajd .ekSug bv m%i:dj 

Senior Indian Congress Parliamentarian from Tamil Nadu M Krishnasswamy said that certain regional and caste oriented parties in Tamil Nadu are playing to the gallery on the issues related to the plight of Sri Lankan Tamils, bringing disrepute not only to the Central Indian Government but also to the nation as a whole, the PTI reported.

"We do not need rabble rousing speeches and rhetoric that may sound well in Tamil Nadu but will not actually help the suffering Tamils and if these so called supporters of Eelam Tamils are genuinely interested in the welfare of the island Tamils," Krishnasswamysaid.

The UPA Government is aware of the problems of Tamils in Sri Lanka and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is using the diplomatic route to find an amicable solution, M Krishnasswamy, MP from Arani and former President of Tamil Nadu Congress Committee said.

Krishnasswamyalso said that both the UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and premier Singh had detailed discussions on the plight of Sri Lankan Tamils and the killing of Indian fishermen off the coast of the island nation.

"There has been considerable drop in mid-sea shooting incidents as the Government of India has very clearly told (Sri Lanka) that Indian fishermen should not be shot at," he said while addressing an event organised by the Tamil Nadu Chapter of Indian National Overseas Congress (INOC) in New York, USA on Saturday.

Unfortunately in Tamil Nadu, certain regional and caste oriented parties are playing to the gallery on the serious matter, bringing disrepute not only to the UPA Government but also to the nation as a whole, Krishnasswamy said.

"What is needed at this hour is restraint and none of the actions should make matters worse. The External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid has told me time and again that he is aware of the entire situation and has been taking up at highest level and that India will ensure that the Tamils live with peace and dignity," he said.


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-0+1# Suq Madique 2013-10-20 13:34
Well said. Finally a sensible Indian politician not afraid to call a spade a spade.
# Suq Madique 2013-10-20 13:36
Krishnasswamy has nailed it by saying "We do not need rabble rousing speeches and rhetoric that may sound well in Tamil Nadu but will not actually help the suffering Tamils and if these so called supporters of Eelam Tamils are genuinely interested in the welfare of the island Tamils"

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