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mdif,ka fodÜg ou,d óg jirlg fmr wl=/iai m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ ysgmq iNdm;s idrejd iqks,a uy;df.ka ¥IKhg ,lajQ nj lshk bf.kSug olaI mdi,a YsIHdjlg jeäÿr bf.kSu i|yd wE Ôj;a jQ m%foaYfhka ÿr neyer mdi,lg we;=¿ lsÍfuka miq tys úÿy,am;sksh weh mdif,ka bj;a lsÍug tfrysj fY%aIaGdêlrKhg uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiula f.dkq lf<ah' tu YsIHdj iy wef.a uj fjkqfjka kS;s{ uxcq, nd,iQßh uy;d bÈßm;a l< fm;aifï i|yka jkafka úÿy,am;sksh YsIHdj mdif,ka bj;a flf<a weh mÈxÑj isá m%foaYfhka úÿy,am;skshg ;¾ckd;aul ,sms ,enqKq ksid njhs'
tu ,sms uÕska i|yka lr ;snqfKa jeäÿrg;a YsIHdj tu mdif,a ;shd.;fyd;a mdi,g myr fok nj hehs fm;aifï i|yka fõ'YsIHdj ;jÿrg;a mdif,a ;nd .ekSfuka wfkl=;a YsIHdjkaf.a Ôú;j,g wjodkula t,a,úh yels nj ;SrKh l< úÿy,am;sksh jydu YsIHdj mdif,ka bj;a lr.ekSug wef.a ujg n, l< njo fm;aifuka fmkajd § we;'
YsIHdj bf.kSug olaI njo mdif,a úúO lghq;=j,g l=i,;djka fmkajd YsIH kdhsldjlaj isáh§ wl=/iai m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ ysgmq iNdm;s idrejd iqks,a uy;d w;ska ¥IKhg ,laj we;s njo fm;aifuka fmkajd fohs' weh ¥IKhg ,la l< foaYmd,k{hdg tfrysj kS;sm;sjrhd kvq mjrd we;ehso tu isoaêfhka miq YsIHdjf.a uj .=rejßhka ud¾.fhka ksfjig fndfyda ÿßka msysá mdi,g we;=<;a lf<a ksoyfia wef.a wOHdmk lghq;= lsÍug njo fm;aifï oelafõ'
tfy;a wE l,ska Ôj;a jQ m%foaYfhka ;¾ckd;aul ,sms ,eîfuka miq úÿy,am;sksh fuu YsIHdj mdi,g we;=¿ lsÍug iydh jQ .=rejßhkago fodia mjrd YsIHdj mdif,ka bj;a l< nj;a fm;aifï i|yka fõ'
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oeßh bf.kSu ,nñka isá mdif,a úÿy,am;sksh ‘cd;sl mdi,a wOHlaI’ wOHdmk wud;HxYfha f,alï" wOHdmk weue;s iy kS;sm;sjrhd fuu fm;aifuka j.W;a;lrejka lr we;'
Oct 11 (Island) There were no shortcuts in
The case against the Tangalle Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman and eight others who allegedly killed British tourist Khuram Sheikh and raped his girlfriend will begin in the Colombo High Court within the next two weeks, legal sources said. On Thursday, on the advice of the Attorney General, the suspects were indicted in the Colombo High Court for the crimes committed in December 2011.
The other charges against the suspects include unlawful assembly in a hotel, possession of unlicensed weapons and intimidation. The suspects are Tangalle Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman S.C. Vidanapathirana, B.A. Lahiru Kelum, Saman Deshapriya, W. Preneeth Chaturanga, M. Sarath Herath, Sugan, S.P. Preneeth Chaturanga, H.G. Nuwan Chinthaka Herath and E.P. Nadeera Shamel.
CID investigations revealed that the suspects unlawfully assembled at the Nature Hotel on Christmas eve, 2011, entered the hotel premises with unlicensed weapons and threatened the staff. The case was initially heard at the Tangalle Courts and thereafter transferred to the Colombo Chief Magistrate’s court for further hearing.
The suspects are out on bail. The indictment of the suspects came just days after British Prime Minister David Cameron said he would in his talks with President Mahinda Rajapaksa during next month Commonwealth summit express serious concern about the slow progress of the case. politics and the rise to great heights was a gradual process, President |