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m,d hhs  

uOq iuh f.jd ish ukd,sh iu. ksfjig tk wjia:dfõ ux., ßh miqmiska wd fmd,sia ðma ßhla ;u ksfji wi, kj;kq oel ukd,sh ldrfha isáh § ukd,hd m,d.sh mqj;la ms,snoj miq.sh odoek.kakg ,enq‚'

l,skao m;sl=,fha isá nj lshk ;uka .ek h<s fkdfidhkq we;ehs is;+ Tyq h<s újdyhlg we;=<;aùug ;SrKh lr ta i|yd ,l ,eyeia;s úh' 

wÆ;ska oek y÷kd .;a ;re‚hl yd fmñka fj,S újdyhg Èk kshu lr.kq ,eîh' ta wkqj kj ukd,shf.a ksjfia§ fmdarefõ pdß;‍% fmroeßj fy< isß;g fï újdyh isÿúh' bka wk;=rej hqj< uOq iuhg msg;a jQfha ldf.a;a i;=gq iskd ueoh' 

miqod fï hqj, ksfjig toa§ fmd,sia ßhla wdfõ fjk;a rdcldßhlg hkakgh' fmd,sia ßh ksfjig ,xfjoa § fcdavqj ßfhka niskakg kel; tk;=re n,d isgfhah' fmd,sia ßh;a ta wi, kj;kq ÿgq ukd,hd is;=fõ l,ska ìßhf.a meñ‚,a,la ksid fmd,sish ;uka Æyqn¢k njh' 

ìhg m;a Tyq jydu ls‍%hd;aul úh' ukd,hd ldrfha fodr yer nei ÿjkakg jQfha ukd,sh;a ukd,shf.a md¾Yajfhka wd kEoehska o wmyiq;djg m;a lrñks' 

ukd,hd Èõj;a fmd,sish Tjqka .sh .uk .sfha ta foij;a fkdn,ñks' ál fõ,djla n,d isá ukd,sh;a kEhkq;a wdmiq hkakg yooa§ tys wd ukd,hd fkdj¢kd je÷ï je| msßi kj;ajdf.k Èjd wdydrfhka ix.‍%y fldg msg;a lr yeÍug W;aidy .;a;;a ukd,hdf.a l=ula fyda nmr;< jrola we;s nj udkd,shf.a md¾Yajfha we;a;kg f;areï f.dia ;sì‚' 

,xld B f.disma ksõia                                                                                                                             Colombo (AFP) — Twenty-four elephants lined up for a race Thursday on Sri Lanka's newest expressway, but thousands of spectators were left disappointed when organisers scrapped the event due to safety concerns.
The animals and jockeys were jostling at the start line on the Chinese-built 25.8-kilometre (16 mile) four-lane expressway from the airport to the capital when authorities had a sudden change of heart.
Police felt that the tuskers could pose a threat to the safety of spectators if one of them went out of control and the race was turned into a parade -- to the disappointment of the crowds and the invited media.
"We did not expect this kind of crowd today," provincial minister for transport and tourism, Nimal Lanza, told AFP.
"We have over 100,000 people at the starting point and another 200,000 at two exits of the expressway."